Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t see your question below? Check out our self-help knowledge center with searchable Q&A on Getting Started, Activation, Features, and Troubleshooting.
+ How do I sign up?
Check out our plans and create your free account online. We'll even ship you your new SIM card for free, no credit card required! (Free shipping domestically within the US and abroad.)
After receiving your SIM card, log back in to select your plan and activate. (Log-in) You'll pay for your plan at activation.
+ Can I keep my existing US phone number?
Yes! It is very easy to transfer your U.S. number in. We accept transfers from all providers except for T-Mobile. At signup, provide us your current number and we'll confirm eligibility to ensure a seamless transfer.
T-Mobile: If you are currently on a T-Mobile plan, you can either sign up for ConnectED Mobile with a new phone number or join our waitlist to be informed of any changes regarding T-Mobile transfers.
+ How do I get my SIM card?
We mail it directly to you! Standard shipping of 3 business days in the US and 10-21 business days abroad is included for free. Expedited shipping is available at cost.
Typical ship times by city:
- Philadelphia: 1 business day
- New York/ Boston: 2 business days
- Chicago: 2-3 business days
- California: 3-4 business days
+ How do I activate my SIM card?
When you're ready to activate, head to You can select your plan, pay, and activation wil kick off remotely. We accept US and foreign credit and debit cards through Stripe Billing.
Then, pop in your new SIM card with the tool we provided and you'll see a welcome message from our network provider when the activation is complete.
+ How do I transfer my existing US phone number?
Transfers have just one extra step beyond activating. In addition to confirming your SIM card number and plan, we'll also collect a few account details from your existing mobile account to prepare for the transfer: your phone number, carrier, account number, account PIN, account zip code, and account holder name.
With this account information provided, we transfer in your phone number from your existing provider to our network and port it to your new SIM card. For larger providers like AT&T and Verizon, this typically completes in 20-30 minutes. For smaller providers, it may take a few hours so we recommend doing it overnight, while connected to wifi to prevent any disruption of service. We’ll send you an email when your phone number transfer is complete. This process will also automatically cancel your line with your previous provider.
+ How long is the contract for?
We offer month-to-month, as well as 3 month and annual contracts for your flexibility in mind. You can switch to another plan at any time. Any unused months will be applied to your plan switch in the form of credit.
+ What phones are compatible?
You can use our SIM cards on any unlocked GSM device. Not sure if your phone will work? Check here
(If your phone works for them, it works for us!)
+ Do I need to be an international student to sign up?
Nope! You don't need to be international or a student. Our plans are open to anyone.
+ This seems to be too good to be true. What's the catch?
There's no catch! We recognized a need in the market and spent nearly a year developing this solution with the nation’s largest 4G & 5G LTE mobile network to bring you this plan. After a very successful pilot across 20 universities last year, we're expanding nationwide.
While we cannot publicly advertise who this provider is on our site, if you're curious, shoot us a note and we can privately share.